Have you noticed that after the April showers, weeds rise in May? As you drive along the roads, you may also see that the weeds on the side are brown and dying. You might have assumed that someone killed the weeds with a pesticide or herbicide, and you’d be correct. Here is a link to the Kitsap County Herbicide Use information.
According to the National Institutes of Health, despite precautionary measures, awareness campaigns, and enforcement to minimize herbicide release, residues persist in groundwater. Here are the effects of pesticide exposure on human health:
Health Effects Based on Pesticide Exposure:
Short-term exposure:
- Skin rashes
- Skin blisters
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Stomach-ache and pain
- Dizziness
- Stinging eyes
- Eye irritation
- Permanent failure of eyesight and blindness
Long-term exposure:
- DNA abnormalities and mutations
- Cell damage and death
- Kidney damage
- Cancer
- Parkinsonism
- Birth problems during pregnancy
- Developmental abnormalities and defects
It’s important to note that Kitsap County is not the only county that sprays weeds; many others do as well. They use a herbicide that the EPA classifies as having “reasonable certainty of no harm to infants, children, and adults.”
While Kitsap County is likely doing its best to manage weeds, the question remains: why would you want to drink water with pesticides that the EPA deems “reasonably” safe for all age groups?
The National Institutes of Health conducted tests to find the best methods for removing pesticides from water. The results showed that activated carbon and reverse osmosis are 100% efficient for pesticide removal, followed by ion exchange resins and ultraviolet radiation.
At H2O Refined, we use activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet radiation to provide you with purified water that is 100% free of pesticides.
People often ask me, “What if I am on a well?” My reply is usually, “When was the last time your well water was tested?” The CDC and EPA recommend testing well water every year. Indicating that the bacteria level in your well can change from year to year.
We say “Drink Healthy” because we believe everyone should have access to clean, healthy drinking water. We still have a long way to go, but it is crucial that we help educate and provide options. We offer purified water for less than anyone else in the area. If you are getting your purified water from someone else, you are paying too much!
Drink Healthy!